Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Be The Most Enthusiastic Person You Know

  Some wise guy once said, "Be the most enthusiastic person you know, then you won't go far wrong."   Enthusiasm is so often the ingredient which makes the critical difference: it sustains and helps you when you are going through tough times, it encourages the people around you, it is totally infectious and quickly becomes a good and enjoyable habit.  In turn, enthusiasm adds an extra 5% sparkle to everything you do. So often life is won or lost in that little extra bit that carries us past the finish line.  When you wake up in the morning it is a choice what attitude you will tackle the day with.  So, choose a good one!  Be the most enthusiastic person you know.  Undoubtedly people will love you for it and remember you for it.  I mean heck, who doesn't want to work with an enthusiastic person. You may not be the smartest, the funniest, the strongest or the most talented, but there is nothing stopping you from being the most enthusiastic person you know.


  1. So true, yet so hard to remember on a day to day basis!

    Have you been reading Bear Grylls books by any chance? These last 3 posts seem to expound on some of his sentiments.

    1. Yeah, at the moment I am reading "A Survival Guide For Life". Great book. I have some more original writings in the works, but I have been enjoying Bears book so much that I can't help getting post ideas from it.
