Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Love Adversity

   In 1941, when Britain was going through some of the darkest and most tragic times of WW 2 Churchill addressed the young people with these words, "These are great days - the greatest days our country has ever lived." Why did Churchill, who knew the horrors of war, call them "the greatest days"?  Because he knew that when times are tough and the situation dire, people learn what they are truly capable of.  Diamonds are formed under pressure. But when there is no pressure they remain worthless, lumps of coal. The trick is to learn to embrace and accept adversity by realising that it is your friend, guide and teacher.  Achieving your dreams is never easy.  Unfortunately there will always be obstacles that you trip over and if there aren't any, then the dream at the end probably isn't that great.  Embrace adversity, embrace obstacles and get ready for success.  Today is the beginning of the greatest day you have ever lived. 

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