Sunday, January 20, 2013

Fulfilling The Great Commission

Over the past few months I have been feeling a bit convicted that I am not fulfilling the
Great Commission that Jesus gave to us in Mark 15:15-16.

"15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all


16 Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved, but

whoever does not believe will be condemned."

When I was younger I would be out on the street almost every week sharing the gospel.
But somewhere down the line something changed and over time I stopped handing out
tracts and talking to people about Jesus. The fire slowly died and I reached the point
where I became too afraid to even hand out a single gospel track to someone. I feared
Man more than I feared God. My being too afraid to fulfil the Great Commission was
evidence of this.

Last year however I focused on facing my fears and with the help of God and many loving
friends I managed to conquer my top two dreadful fears which were singing and speaking
in front of a crowd. I was super happy with myself at the close of 2012 and thought I had
beaten all my fears, but God challenged me that evangelism was a part of my life I had
sorely been neglecting. Going up to a stranger and sharing the Gospel or even handing
out a tract had become a new big fear for me. Unlike my fear of singing in front of people
this fear was born out of selfishness. I chose to ignore the poor souls who are (and let's
be blunt here) headed on a path straight to Hell just so I could be comfortable and not
have to risk looking stupid in front of people.

But I am determined that this is all going to change. I have just purchased a whole lot of
Gospel tracks from Living Waters and have made a rule that I will give out at least two
tracts every time I go out. I have relit the flame and have broken outside of my comfort
zone. All I can say now is, "God, help me continue."

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