Thursday, December 13, 2012

Stay Focused

In Hebrews 12:1 it says, "Let us strip off every weight that slows us down... And let us run
with endurance the race God has set before us." God has given us two things in this life
that are needed to win the race God has for you. They are: time and energy. And you
can't afford to waste either of them!

Just recently I remember setting aside some time to write one of these blog posts.
Everything was going well and I was just about to get started when a little voice in my head
said, "Hey, Jake my man. You have already worked so hard today you deserve a small 10
minute break before you write your blog post." Unfortunately I gave into the temptation to
blob for just 10 minutes, but before I knew it, almost a whole hour had passed and the time
I had set aside to write on my blog was gone. Gone forever. I had wasted my time. Time I
could never get back.

Often we don't realise just how valuable our time and energy really are. There is only so
much you have of them in each day. Just like a precious metal, time is a limited resource.
When you waste say 5 minutes of your time, it is like throwing away a nugget of gold down
into a bottomless abyss. You will never see it again.

We need to wisely choose where to invest our time and energy and not waste them so that
we effectively run the race God has set for us.

In the next few days I am going to write about some of the weights that can hold us down
and a rather good strategy that I have found to stop procrastinating.

Let me leave you with this challenging quote:

"Waste your money and you're only out of money, but waste your time and you've lost a
part of your life." - Michael LeBoeuf

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